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"The first session changed everything, for the first time I felt I was talking to someone who not only understood me

I rung white willow after being stuck in my house for 3 years, I wanted to take my child to school and I wanted to be able to cope with life again. I had been seeing a therapist and didn't seem to be making any progress.


The first session changed everything, for the first time I felt I was talking to someone who not only understood me but was going to help me. I was right after just one session I saw improvement and very quickly the fear went away.


This isn't hypnotherapy, it's resuscitation, I promise you that one phone call to White Willow will change everything, I have been where you are now and I had given up hope, don't give up hope call White Willow, I promise you the only regret you will have is that you didn't do it earlier.

Image by Patricia Prudente
Olivia was suffering from extreem anxiety and panic attacks
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